Try It Out - Do some online research and then find local retailer who has the model you think you want. Pick it up and make sure it’s not heavier than you thought. Look at the screen and see how easy it is to see - maybe that 11” Chromebook may not be what you really want. Try out the keyboard and see if it has a touch and feel that you like. Try out the touchpad and see if it responds smoothly and quickly.
How Much RAM Do You Need - RAM is the memory that you use while you’re using the computer. The amount you need depends on what you will be doing with it, since video games and movies take more RAM than most business applications.
Which Processor Do Need - Most processors are predetermined by the model number. So, if you are looking for a gaming computer, you should look at the models that have the faster processing speed. If you’re going to be doing business applications, you will probably be fine with any of the current processors.
Also, you might want to think about sprucing up your current computer if it’s not too old. Accessories and more memory might just make that not-so-old computer run like new again. Maybe a full-size USB keyboard will make a laptop easier to use. A wireless mouse might make it easier than using touchpad.
Maybe a boost in the amount of memory will make those complex spreadsheets work better. With laptops, it’s advisable to trust a professional when adding memory.
Have questions? Stop in and see SofTech Computers today. We can help! If you do choose to purchase a new computer, your next hurdle is setting up the operating system, peripherals, etc. to all work together. The easiest solution is to bring it in to our pros at our Prescott computer shop, we will get everything up and running, and discuss option to help keep your computer safe and secure. Contact us at 928-443-8770 or visit our website at
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