Faster speeds are keeping us more closely connected from around the block, across our beautiful state of Arizona, to around the world. If your connection still works, but is slow, try these simple tips:
- The most common problem with slow Wi-Fi is being too far from the router. The farther away you are from the router, the less reliable your connection. Try moving a little closer to the room where the router is located. If you find the constant moving inconvenient, simply re-locate your router to a centralized room, away from other devices, and on a shelf.
- Lack of bandwidth can cause a slowdown. Your internet could be spread too thin when everyone in the house is placing a demand on it through use of additional phones, computers, and televisions – all with data hungry apps such as Netflix and YouTube. Try disconnecting any device that is not in use. Try connecting one of the devices with a Cat-5 Ethernet cable directly to the router. It could also be that someone is leaching off your internet. Prevent that by a secure setup for your network, and keep your password a secret!
- A real issue could be interference. Most of us leave the settings unchanged when we first set up the Internet. Avoid channels 1, 6 and 11. They can be overcrowded. Try a newer model of router. They are capable of selecting less crowded frequencies upon rebooting. Otherwise, you can perform a power cycle or log into the admin panel and choose a different channel.
- Once in a while there really is no Internet connection. Something glitches and the router, modem, or both stop communicating – for no reason. It happens. The first thing to try is pulling the plug. Disconnect both the modem and router, wait 30 seconds, then restore power to both.
- If any of these quick fixes don’t work, the cause could be a service outage, most likely a severe one. It’s not always an issue that has to do with the hardware. There’s not much you can do other than to call your Internet Service Provider. While you won’t get instant results, at least they will know from your call which area is being affected.
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