Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How to Avoid Online Computer Scams - Brought to You by SofTech Computers

The internet has given us more information and unique ways to conduct business than we could possibly dreamed of in years past. The wonderful world of the internet comes with a word of caution: Watch out for online scams. These are schemes to con you out of your money using your computer and the internet, either through fake websites or emails. You could be scammed through your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
SoftTech Computers in Prescott talks about avoiding online scams. See SofTech for computer tune-up, virus removal and data backup
SofTech Computers in Prescott has some tips to protect yourself. You can cut down the chance of scammers stealing your identity and cash:

•    Create passwords which are long, with random numbers. Do not use numbers associated with your birthday or social security number. Use upper and lower case numbers in addition. The longer the password the harder it is to guess. Ten digits are better than eight. Change your passwords often, and don't share them with anyone.
•    Install antivirus software and keep it up to date. This will check for malicious computer programs and monitor files before they are opened. Purchase the latest software for the best protection against viruses. If you purchase software online make sure it is from a trusted supplier.
•    Understand which software you are installing on your computer or phone and make sure you are using a secure site when you buy software, a tablet or a smart phone.  A secure site will have a web address beginning with https not http
•    Make sure that your firewall is turned on. A firewall is a security shield that stops scammers getting into your computer. Operating systems such as Windows come with built in firewall settings. They can monitor and warn you of unexpected access to your computer
Install updates to your operating system on a regular basis. Windows is an example of an operating system
•    Install the latest version of your web browser, for example Internet Explorer, which will have the latest security features.
•    Don’t open emails, email attachments, texts, or pop up messages from someone you don't know. These emails will have awkward or broken English.
•    No genuine online company will contact you to ask for your log-in details, such as your password or user ID. Only provide this information when you are logging onto a service that you are familiar with and trust, such as online banking.
•    Before entering payment card details on a website, make sure the link is secure.

 Make sure you have a secure link. Here’s how:

•    Make sure there's a padlock symbol in the browser window frame. This appears when you attempt to log in or register. Be sure the padlock is not on the page itself – if it is this could indicate it's a fraudulent site
•    Make sure that the web address begins with ‘https://’. The ‘s’ stands for ‘secure’
If you have opened a scam email:
•    Don’t reply to the email
•    Don’t click on any links in the email or open any attachments
•    If you have already clicked on a link and opened a website, don’t provide personal information.

If you believe that your computer has a virus, see our experts at SoftTech Computers in Prescott. We specialize in computer repair, computer maintenance, and virus and malware removal. If you are not sure which updated operating system, or browser to install, SofTech Computers can help with that too. We specialize in computer repair in Prescott. Visit us online at or call 928-443-8770

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